Hellenic College Holy Cross will once again recognize a couple for their exemplary vision and leadership in the Church. Helen and Archon Louis Nicozisis will each receive an honorary doctorate from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology at the upcoming 82nd Commencement on May 18, 2024. This highest honor the school can bestow will be granted to them for the impact they have made at Holy Cross and across the Archdiocese in the field of missions and evangelism.
Partners in life and service for sixty years, Archon Primikirios Louis and Helen Nicozisis have exemplified the Greek-American dream. Faithful Orthodox Christians, they have endeavored to serve the Church as their talents have allowed, from parish councils to the Archdiocesan Council. They have both served on the Board of Leadership 100, and are founding members of the Patriarch Bartholomew Fund and the St. Nicholas National Shrine, and are stewards at several parishes. Their greatest impact is in the field of missions and evangelism. For more than 45 years, their efforts in response to Christ’s command to “baptize all nations…” have been exemplary. They are benefactors of the Orthodox Christian Missions Center and the Endowment Fund for Orthodox Missions. OCMC has sent missionaries to more than 35 countries, and EFOM underwrites HCHC’s annual Missions Week, and provides scholarships for seminarians who are interested in serving in the missions field. Their service has helped shape the life and work of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, many of our students, and countless beneficiaries across the globe, whose hearts are now illumined by the light of Christ.
Hellenic College Holy Cross is the only accredited Orthodox Christian college, graduate school of theology, and seminary in the US.