News & Updates : Year: 2018
Rev. Dr. Eugen Pentiuc Co-Editor of Pan-Orthodox Study Bible
Rev. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins at Holy Cross, Rev. Dr. John Behr, Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and Dr. George Kiraz, founder and director of Gorgias Press, recently met for the second time to discuss the next steps toward producing a Pan-Orthodox Study Bible (POSB), of which they are the general editors. At the meeting, which took place at the Beth Mardutho Syriac Institute headquarters in Piscataway, New Jersey, on October 25, the three general editors decided on the main vision and structure of this important...
HCHC Mourns the Passing of President Bush
The Hellenic College Holy Cross community joins all Americans in mourning the passing of President George H. W. Bush. A close friend of His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos of blessed memory, President Bush visited our campus on September 12, 1999–the only American President ever to do so–for the dedication of The Archbishop Iakovos Library and Learning Resource Center. President Bush served as honorary chairman of the dedication committee and offered warm praise for His Eminence in his keynote address. May the memory of both great men be eternal!
Mary Jaharis Center Showcases Richness of Byzantine Culture
The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture at Hellenic College Holy Cross recently presented two programs exploring different but equally fascinating elements of Byzantine cultural expression. On November 13, Amanda Luyster gave a talk on "English Bodies, Imported Silks: Byzantine Textiles in Thirteenth-century England" at the Harvard Faculty Club in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Luyster shared findings from her project documenting and analyzing a largely overlooked body of eastern Mediterranean textiles and their influence on English works of art. The lecture was co-sponsored by the Mary Jaharis Center and the Harvard University Standing Committee on Medieval Studies. A concert...
HCHC Professor Leads Renewed OCAMPR Organization
The Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (OCAMPR) had a record turnout of more than 150 registrants, including a number of HCHC students, for its 2018 Annual Conference, held November 8-10 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Somerset, New Jersey. The theme of the conference was “Compliance and Resistance: Discerning the Spirit.” Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, serves as President of OCAMPR, which "has seen a resurgence in the past five years," he says. OCAMPR is an approved organization of the Assembly of Canonical Bishops of the...
HCHC and Suffolk University Business School Announce New Partnership
Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and Suffolk University's Sawyer Business School have signed a partnership agreement whereby Hellenic graduates who have majored or minored in Business Management and meet Suffolk's admission standards can qualify for any of six accelerated master's degree programs at Sawyer. Those accelerated programs lead to the following degrees: Master in Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science in Accounting (MSA), Master of Science in Finance (MSF), Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA), Master of Science in Marketing (MSM), and Master of Management Studies (MSM). Through this partnership, Hellenic students may be able...
Dr. Mamalakis Honored at Major Publishing Event in Athens
En Plo Publishing, the largest Christian book publisher in Greece, held a one-day event celebrating the publication of the Greek translation of Parenting Toward the Kingdom (Ancient Faith, 2016) by Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross. The event was part of the seventh Annual Exhibition of Orthodox Christian Books, held November 2-5 in Athens, Greece. The day included a presentation by Dr. Mamalakis and six talks by internationally recognized Greek theologians, therapists, and clergy highlighting aspects of Dr. Mamalakis' work and recognizing its significance for the Orthodox Church. George Bilialis, co-founder of En Plo, said,...
HCHC Observes Missions Week 2018
An annual highlight of the fall semester is Missions Week, co-sponsored by the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity at HCHC and the student-run Missions Committee. Invited missionaries from around the globe spend a week on campus speaking in classes and interacting with students. The week, which began this year on October 29, is capped by the annual EFOM (Endowment Fund for Orthodox Missions) Lecture. The 2018 speaker was Rev. Fr. Edward Rommen, an OCA priest and adjunct professor of theology at Duke University Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina. Fr. Rommen has written a number of books related to church...
HCHC Launches Revamped Website
Hellenic College Holy Cross (HCHC) is pleased to announce the launch of its redesigned website, Designed to increase awareness and support for HCHC’s growing number of academic programs and initiatives, the dynamic new website was developed using cutting-edge principles of responsive design to offer an improved user experience on all devices. A notable new addition is the seamless integration of the school's social media feeds, which will allow for the sharing of user-generated content on a much larger scale. "We are thrilled with the modern look and enhanced functionality of our new website and know it will be an...
HCHC Celebrates OXI Day
Our Hellenic College Holy Cross community celebrated Oxi Day with two very different but equally notable events during the week leading up to October 28, the day itself. Oxi Day, observed throughout Greece, Cyprus, and the worldwide Greek diaspora, commemorates Greece's rejection on October 28, 1940, of Italy's ultimatum that Axis forces be allowed to enter Greek territory or else face war. Prime Minister Metaxas responded with a single word: "Oxi" ("No"). The first campus event was hosted by Holy Cross Bookstore, which was festooned with Greek flags, and featured songs and poetry offered by students, some in colorful Greek...
OTSA Holds Annual Meeting at HCHC
The Orthodox Theological Society in America held its annual meeting on our campus from Thursday, October 18, until Saturday, October 20. The theme for this year's gathering was "Liturgy and the Arts." The Thursday afternoon session featured presentations on "Perceiving Beauty: Architecture, Drama, and Philosophy." The evening's faculty panel was moderated by Rev. Dr. Philip Zymaris, Assistant Professor of Liturgics at Holy Cross, and focused on the question of "What is the place, and what is the function, of Sacred Arts in an Orthodox Theological School?" Friday morning sessions addressed "Approaches to Liturgy and the Arts" and "Women and the...